Well-being and Parental Support
Keeping children safe online can be very tricky for parents. The poster attached is a very useful resource which can support you in using applications to make online use for your children more secure. Why not take a look.
An online safety guide on WIZZ - What parents and Carers needs to know
Rising in popularity amongst children and young people, Wizz is a social networking all that allows users to chat live with people from around the world. In similar fashion to a dating app, it facilitates conversations with people that users would not ordinarily meet, bringing evident safety concerns.
Fifteen Apps parents should know about
Around five children in every classroom have a mental health problem and many more struggle with challenges from bullying to bereavement. Parents and carers play a vital role in their child’s mental health. Place2Be have shared some top tips and activity ideas to help you and your family take part in. Please follow the link below.
Kid’s Kindness Club – children can join the free Kid’s Kindness Club and receive a fortnightly email newsletter with Kindness Challenge, kind stories, competitions, quizzes, activities and the chance to earn your Kindness Badge and win prizes! Find out more here: https://schoolofkindness.org/kids-club
Kindless Calendar – this free Kindness Calendar can help you get into kind habits – spreading kindness for a whole month! Activities include being kind to yourself, being kind to others and being kind to the planet. Find out more here: https://schoolofkindness.org/kindness-calendar-for-children
Staffordshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service
Action for Children’s Staffordshire service provides support to children and young people aged 5-18 (up to aged 25 years if young person is care experienced or has an Education and Health Care Plan), who are living in Staffordshire and experiencing difficulties with their mental health and wellbeing. The service also supports parents and carers.
The service offers a range of support, based on what the child or young person needs, including:
• Direct support (one to one therapy, group support sessions)
• Digital Support (online therapy, information and advice)
• Intensive support (targeted support, support for foster carers/ parents)
• Prevention and early intervention (community events, specialist training)
You can find out more about our local service and how to refer a child or young person here: https://www.staffordshire-ewb.actionforchildren.org.uk/
CAHMS Online Parent Support Group
There is a new online parent support group for families of children and young people with mental health needs in South Staffs which is held on Wednesdays 1pm – 2.30pm (term time only) via Zoom.
Details for the group can be found at:
South Staffs CAMHs Online Parent Support Group Email: CAMHSParentSupport@mpft.nhs.uk
Twitter: @CamhsFamilyMPFT / https://twitter.com/CamhsFamilyMPFT
Instagram: camhs.familympft
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CamhsFamilyMPFT
Contact us on Messenger via the button on our Facebook page: @CamhsFamilyMPFT
Webpage: https://camhs.mpft.nhs.uk/south-staffordshire/parents-carers/online-support-group